Thursday, July 17, 2008

Exercise of Self-Discipline

One of the comments made to my first attempt was to write often so as to get into the habit, or routine of writing. Over the past couple of weeks I have noticed that I have become lazy. Lazy for a couple of different reasons, excuses I guess they could be called. When I say I am lazy, I mean it in a couple of different areas of life. Physical laziness. Laziness with regards to work. And laziness in my spiritual life.

Like I said, there are always reasons, or excuses for this laziness. Some of it can be attributed to moving to a new place and trying to find a new schedule. Some of it can be that we live so far from everything that it takes a lot of time to get somewhere to do something. I love basketball, but to drive 30 minutes to play on Wednesday night seems like a long ways. Especially with gas prices the way they are and my truck isnt good on gas....See what I mean about the excuses!

Writing this blog is one area in which I am trying to exercise some self-discipline. It will take some self-discipline to write new entries. It will take some self-discipline to think how God is interacting with the world around us.

But, I am also trying to have some more self-discipline in other areas. I have never been really strong on personal devotions. I am now trying to take time out of the day to do devotions on a regular basis.

I also began exercising physically again. I ran 2 miles yesterday and biked 6 today. It is a start at least. The problem is, with physical exercise as well as spiritual exercise, I tend to start off with great motivations and great intentions. But soon, they wear off. So hopefully now that I have other areas to work on, I will achieve some goals, physically and spiritually.

No more excuses...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Giving it a Shot

Well, here we go. This is my attempt at blogging. After talking with a friend about his blogging (, I thought, "that might be a good idea." I spend a lot of time in my study thinking about Sermons and such, and a lot of times other things come to mind that never really get flushed out. After we talked about blogging, I thought that would be a good way to put those thoughts down somewhere.

Since talking to him there have been some things that came up that I thought would be good to blog about. So, i am giving this a shot. I dont know how faithful I will be at posting, but I think this is a good exercise to write down my thoughts and to hear feedback if people agree or not. It is also a way that others can know about my life as a "new" pastor.

So please, bear with me as I try this new venture. I look forward to seeing what comes of this.