Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God knows

Last week for me was a difficult week. Personally I struggled with some things and just had a tough time. As I was preparing for Sunday, I questioned a lot of things. Yet, I still had to get ready for Sunday. As I was preparing, I also had an image from a movie stuck in my mind. So, I just had to play the clip in the sermon (What, gasp...) I didnt know how this would go over. So, I was a bit worried about it.

After the service I didnt really hear any feedback, so I figured, no news is good news. Not only that, I was really blessed during the worship service. Throughout the service I thought God was using it to speak to me. It is really neat to be able to experience this. That afternoon, I was really encouraged by a number of people about the morning service. It was something that I really needed. Many people really liked the clip even.

As I was thinking about this, I was thinking about the week leading up to Sunday. I was struggling and not sure what to even pray for. But I was reminded of Matthew 6:8 where Jesus says, "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." This was so true. God knew what I needed on Sunday and he lifted me up. We truly serve an amazing God.


csvan said...

So what was the movie clip & how'd it tie in?

Pastor Kuyp said...

The clip was from Bruce Almighty. I was preaching on Psalm 130 and tied it in when it says, "If you O Lord kept a record of Sins, O Lord, who could stand?" So the scene is when he encounters "God" and he has the file cabinet with the really long drawer!